Sunday, July 29, 2012

I dont know what to say about it.  Its a tree...  Started drawing it when I was listening to Dimentions by Hellburg.  Good song, you should check it out if you like EDM.
I am somewhat starting to like my style of drawings.  Somewhat...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Part 2 of the previous post

So I lied about my hands project.  I have just been "doodling" instead.  Not much from my late night doodling sessions.  So here is what I have doodled at 1-2 in the morning. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Some photos I took on my Christmas vacation 2 years ago.  I love them.  They are just so amazing to me.  Rainbows and Lawn Chairs.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


It is my down time.  Which means that I'm not drawing much because I'm catching up on some Zzz.  So with that being said, I have wanted to go and paint something as well as sketch some hands!  "OHHH How exciting, HANDS you say?"  Yeah.  Hands.  Well hands V.2  Thats what I feel like working on and that is possibly what might get done.  Haven't given much thought to it but thats the plan.  Along with the painting(s).

I also feel like starting a podcast.  Thats an "art form" right?  Speech?  Anyway, that takes effort and dedication.  And a microphone that I dont actually have.  And a place to post it to...  Hmmm...